Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Flower Crowns and Adventuring

          I've recently developed a love for flower crowns. This is probably due to my growing Lana Del Rey obsession...Anyways. After looking at all the pretty ones various people sell ( Like this lovely lady http://www.kisforkani.com ) , I decided to give making them myself a chance. I'd say it went pretty well, what do you think? Plus, picture adventuring with Kayla is always a good time! I'll probably put up a DIY flower crown tutorial soon! Until then, Happy Holidays!

Photo Credit: Kayla Drew E


Hello there!
I've been wanting to start a fashion blog for a while now, and with all the extra holiday time, I figured now would be as good a time as ever!
I suppose I'll start by introducing myself. Hello. I'm Radia. I like tea, sweet dreams, warm hugs, and pretty things. I have a special place in my heart for all things vintage, and have too many grandma shoes. Music is what keeps me happy. 

Hope you enjoy!